Earth2 Builders Jewel Recipes By Base


Jewels currently spawning from Earth2 land tiles can be referred to as base jewels as they serve as the first level of crafting. There are currently eight base jewels variations: Anthracite, Black, Blue, Green, Grey, Ocher, Sandy and Yellow. Base Jewels are crafted from tier 1 to tier 2 to tier 3, tier 2 & 3 base jewels are then further crafted into more intricate jewels that will boost higher discovery tier resources and boost e-ther evaporation when slotted into properties, and boost cydroid capabilities when slotted.

Because specific properties produce specific resources boosted by jewels, having jewel recipes divided by base jewels may be helpful when slotting jewels into land. As more information is released by Earth2 our infographics will be updated,


Sandy Jewel Details:

T2 Jewels that include Sandy in their recipe:

*Please note Base T2 Jewels are made wth T1 Base Jewels, and all other T2 Jewels are made with T2 Base Jewels

T3 Jewels that include Sandy in their recipe:

*Please note Base T3 Jewels are made wth T2 Base Jewels, and all other T3 Jewels are made with T3 Base Jewels, with the exception of Orange and Purple which are made with T2 Orange and T3 Purple

Yellow Jewel Details:

T2 Jewels that include Yellow in their recipe:

Please note Base T2 Jewels are made wth T1 Base Jewels, and all other T2 Jewels are made with T2 Base Jewels.

T3 Jewels that include Yellow in their recipe:

Please note Base T3 Jewels are made wth T2 Base Jewels, and all other T3 Jewels are made with T3 Base Jewels, with the exception of Orange and Purple which are made with T2 Orange and T3 Purple.

Ocher Jewel Details:

T2 Jewels that include Ocher in their recipe:

Please note Base T2 Jewels are made wth T1 Base Jewels, and all other T2 Jewels are made with T2 Base Jewels.

T3 Jewels that include Ocher in their recipe:

Please note Base T3 Jewels are made wth T2 Base Jewels, and all other T3 Jewels are made with T3 Base Jewels, with the exception of Orange and Purple which are made with T2 Orange and T3 Purple.

Grey Jewel Details:

T2 Jewels that include Grey in their recipe:

Please note Base T2 Jewels are made wth T1 Base Jewels, and all other T2 Jewels are made with T2 Base Jewels.

T3 Jewels that include Grey in their recipe:

Please note Base T3 Jewels are made wth T2 Base Jewels, and all other T3 Jewels are made with T3 Base Jewels, with the exception of Orange and Purple which are made with T2 Orange and T3 Purple.

Green Jewel Details:

T2 Jewels that include Green in their recipe:

Please note Base T2 Jewels are made wth T1 Base Jewels, and all other T2 Jewels are made with T2 Base Jewels.

T3 Jewels that include Green in their recipe:

Please note Base T3 Jewels are made wth T2 Base Jewels, and all other T3 Jewels are made with T3 Base Jewels, with the exception of Orange and Purple which are made with T2 Orange and T3 Purple.

Blue Jewel Details:

T2 Jewels that include Blue in their recipe:

Please note Base T2 Jewels are made wth T1 Base Jewels, and all other T2 Jewels are made with T2 Base Jewels.

T3 Jewels that include Blue in their recipe:

Please note Base T3 Jewels are made wth T2 Base Jewels, and all other T3 Jewels are made with T3 Base Jewels, with the exception of Orange and Purple which are made with T2 Orange and T3 Purple.

Black Jewel Details:

T2 Jewels that include Black in their recipe:

Please note Base T2 Jewels are made wth T1 Base Jewels, and all other T2 Jewels are made with T2 Base Jewels.

T3 Jewels that include Black in their recipe:

Please note Base T3 Jewels are made wth T2 Base Jewels, and all other T3 Jewels are made with T3 Base Jewels, with the exception of Orange and Purple which are made with T2 Orange and T3 Purple.

Anthracite Jewel Details:

T2 Jewels that include Anthracite in their recipe:

Please note Base T2 Jewels are made wth T1 Base Jewels, and all other T2 Jewels are made with T2 Base Jewels.

T3 Jewels that include Anthracite in their recipe:

Please note Base T3 Jewels are made wth T2 Base Jewels, and all other T3 Jewels are made with T3 Base Jewels, with the exception of Orange and Purple which are made with T2 Orange and T3 Purple.


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